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“Work on the business not in the business.” 60 Seconds With: Mary McKenna, founder of Tour America and Cruise Holidays

Mary McKenna

Mary McKenna, founder of Tour America and Cruise Holidays takes on the Business & Finance 60-second interview challenge.

Q. What was your first job?

My first job was in the airline business, working with Northwest Orient Airlines in Shannon Airport.

Q. What would you regard as your greatest achievement to date?

Post 9/11, reinventing ourselves and being able to grow our business through a recession by not conforming and being different.

Q. In three words or fewer, how do you define success?

Passionate, kind and fun.

Q. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Work on the business not in the business. The past doesn’t equal the future unless you live there.

Q. How do you motivate yourself?

By pushing myself outside my comfort zone and continuous learning, pushing myself physically to be the best I can possible be. Staying fit and having goals that push the boundaries.

Q. If you could step into the shoes of one business person for the day, who would it be and why?

Anthony Robbins, as I would love to know how he gets so much energy. He is also the business coach for many top sport stars.

Q. How do you relax?

Spending time with my gorgeous family, and when we go to the cinema together. I love my family time more than anything.

Q. What’s your motto?

Don’t sweat the small stuff as it is all small stuff.

Q. What are your aspirations for the future of your business?

I would love to see our two brands, Tour America and Cruise Holidays, be known brands in Northern Ireland and the UK.

The past doesn’t equal the future unless you live there.

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