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Bruton embarks on investment mission to China

Richard Bruton TD William Murphy
Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation is currently on a five-day, four-city trade and investment mission to China aimed at supporting more jobs in Ireland by delivering more exports for Irish companies.

Organised by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland, the mission involves a total of 36 Irish companies and comprises 44 meetings. The four cities to be visited are Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Minister Bruton will be accompanied on this trade and investment mission by Julie Sinnamon, CEO of Enterprise Ireland and Martin Shanahan, CEO of IDA.

Minister Bruton TD says: “At the heart of our jobs plan since taking office has been growing employment in the exporting parts of the economy. Key to this has been growing the performance of companies supported by my Department through Enterprise Ireland and IDA, and in particular targeting high-growth markets like China and India. In order to achieve this we have put in place a range of new measures including doubling the number of Ministerial led trade missions, extra staff for Enterprise Ireland and IDA in overseas markets, and tax incentives to make it easier for exporting Irish companies to grow their sales overseas

“I look forward to a productive week helping Irish companies to develop relationships with the Chinese state agencies and companies who might buy their goods and services, and meeting Chinese companies considering investing in Ireland. I am confident that out of this week we can deliver concrete results in the form of additional jobs in Ireland”.

Julie Sinnamon, CEO, Enterprise Ireland adds: “China is the largest and fastest growing market in Asia for Irish companies. Over 300 Enterprise Ireland clients are currently exporting to China. In the last 12 months alone we have seen over 50 new Irish exporters to China. This trade mission will put a spotlight firmly on the range of great products and services coming out of Ireland.

It will also highlight the significant opportunity that exists within the Chinese market for innovative Irish companies. Enterprise Ireland is focused on working with our client companies to help drive their export sales – ultimately creating and sustaining jobs in Ireland”.

Photo: William Murphy
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