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Enterprise Ireland launches new five-year strategy

Enterprise Ireland’s new strategy sets out ambitious targets to increase jobs in companies supported by Enterprise Ireland to 275,000 and to increase exports to €50bn by 2029.

Enterprise Ireland has published its new five-year strategy ‘Delivering for Ireland, Leading Globally (2025-2029)’, which outlines the organisation’s aims and ambitions for the Irish enterprise base and its purpose to ‘Accelerate Sustainable Irish Business’.

Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland is the Irish Government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets, and it works with over 4,000 Irish-owned businesses to support them to start, compete, innovate and scale, and create jobs in towns and communities across Ireland.

Its ambition over the next five years is to support Irish exporting companies to make an even greater contribution to the Irish economy through international growth and nationwide employment, with the long-term ambition that exporting Irish companies become the primary driver of the Irish economy.

New strategy

This new strategy, which is aligned with the Programme for Government and the White Paper on Enterprise, sets out four strategic objectives for the Irish enterprise base; Start, Compete, Scale and Connect.

Peter Burke TD, Minister for Enterprise, Tourism and Employment, said: “I welcome the publication of Enterprise Ireland’s new strategy today and recognise the importance of working together to ensure that Ireland provides a supportive environment for Irish businesses to scale and grow. I am confident that the initiatives and actions outlined in this strategy will support this ambition and position Ireland ahead of emerging economic trends. Irish exporters are a critical component of the Irish economy, and the Government is committed to supporting this sector to scale to further heights in the years ahead.

“I’m pleased to see Enterprise Ireland’s ambitions under this strategy include increasing the number of internationally successfully Irish owned companies of scale, diversifying our exports and increasing the productivity of our SME sector. These efforts will all add to the resilience of Irish businesses, allowing them to continue to succeed in an increasingly competitive global market.”

Kevin Sherry, Interim CEO, Enterprise Ireland, said: “Enterprise Ireland is committed to working with Irish businesses to help them grow and succeed in international markets. Our objective in our new five-year strategy ‘Delivering for Ireland, Leading Globally’, is to Accelerate Sustainable Irish Business, now and into the future. With companies supported by Enterprise Ireland now employing 234,454 people and over €34 billion in exports, this gives Enterprise Ireland a strong platform to launch our strategy, with ambitious targets for the Irish enterprise base which aims to support more Irish companies to achieve greater scale through international growth. It is our long-term ambition that exporting Irish companies will become the primary driver of the Irish economy.”

A full copy of the strategy document, ‘Delivering for Ireland, Leading Globally (2025-2029)’ can be found here.


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