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Keeping your business secure in 2018

Cyber security is not just a problem for the IT department, it is a risk that affects the entire business.

Cyber security is not just a problem for the IT department, it is a risk that affects the entire business, particularly as more of business processes become digitised. Cyber attack can result in not only the theft of sensitive information, but also disruption to the entire business.

Data exfiltration is the term used to describe how hackers extract valuable information from an organisation – through the unauthorised copying, transfer or retrieval of data from a computer or server. Particularly as GDPR comes into play this year, protection of data within your organisation is crucial. Cyberattacks can steal sensitive information through legitimate traffic flows, meaning an organisation can be compromised for months, undetected.

Threat intelligence is a growing area in cyber security at the moment, as new trends and risks emerge. Threat intelligence is a body of information on current or potential cyber attacks that can threaten an organisation, and will help them understand the risks that are most likely to affect their environment. In-depth information about specific threats can help a business protect itself from the attacks that could do them the most damage.

Simon Merrigan, Head of Network Integration & Security (Design) at eir business, says their team works with businesses to put together security policies so they are well prepared in the event of an attack.

Having an effective security policy in place will minimise risk of data leak or loss, help protect the organisation from malicious attacks and set guidelines for best practice and compliance.

Simon Merrigan, Head of Network Integration & Security (Design) at eir business advises on how you can prepare and strengthen your defences and security postures against hackers extracting valuable information from your organisation.

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