Business News

INFOGRAPHIC: Accidents at work

By Business & Finance
08 January 2016
safety at work construction

Did you know, statistically, January is the safest month of the year? In contrast, July is the most dangerous month of the year when it comes to work related injuries.

All employers are obliged under health and safety legislation to ensure, where possible, that their employees do not suffer any injury at work. There is a significant amount of legislation creating obligations on employers so as to prevent accidents occurring and, indeed, re-occurring.

While the number of work-related accidents has come down over the years, there are still approximately 1,000 workplace injury claims made for such accidents annually.

Some areas of work carry with them a greater risk of injury but with the greater risk comes a greater obligation on an employer to ensure, where possible, the safety and welfare of employees.

Infographic appears courtesy of Hussey Fraser Solicitors
Infographic Accidents at Work