
Watch Now: ICON wins ‘Company of the Year’ at the Business & Finance Awards 2021

Mark Roden, founder and chief executive of Ding, features in Executive Insights, in association with KPMG

Watch Now: Mark Barrett, CEO, APC Ltd speaks about winning Business & Finance Elevation Award

Watch Now: Mary Whitelaw, Director of Corporate Affairs, AIB, speaks about winning Business & Finance ESG Award

Watch Now: Imelda Hurley, CEO of Coillte, speaks about ESG and sustainability at Business & Finance Awards

Steve Cutler, CEO Icon plc, features in Executive Insights, in association with KPMG

Watch now: Ian Hyland, Frances Ruane, Eamon Fennel and Devan Hughes celebrate a return to in-person Business & Finance Awards

Watch now: Business & Finance Awards, in association with KPMG Ireland, celebrates a ‘New Era of Excellence’ in new video

Phil Codd, Managing Director, Expleo Ireland: Skills gap placing glass ceiling over Ireland’s digital economy

Tony Smurfit, CEO Smurfit Kappa Group, features in Executive Insights, in association with KPMG

‘Ireland’s Exporters – In Their Own Words’, in association with Enterprise Ireland, part two: Fergal O’Connor, CEO and Founder, BuyMedia

Devan Hughes joins Niall Savage for the second instalment of Executive Insights, in association with KPMG