60 Seconds With

“Always reflect and take time to respond with understanding” – 60 seconds with Michael Dillon, CEA’s Director of Legal

By Business & Finance
13 March 2025

Michael Dillon is Director of Legal at the Corporate Enforcement Authority (CEA), Ireland’s independent statutory body responsible for enforcing any breach of the Companies Act 2014.

What was your first job?

I was a Summer Legal Intern in the Mergers & Acquisitions department of Arthur Robinson & Hedderwicks law firm (now Allens) in Melbourne, Australia. It was my first job in law and perfect for experiencing how different common law systems function.

What pushed you to pursue a career in this field?

I felt passionate that I could make a difference to people’s lives by applying my research and advocacy abilities to address their disputes. This impulse still motivates me today. I am one of those people that genuinely love my job and the application of legal knowledge and skills to real problems. I am fortunate to have worked with great professionals across the legal world throughout my career and I draw on that experience with each challenge.

What would you regard as your greatest achievement to date?

On the career side, it would be my achievements as Deputy and Acting Attorney General of the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean. My role involved attending cabinet to give the ultimate legal advice for the government, responsibility for drafting and bringing Bills through Parliament and litigating in appellate courts personally on constitutional and major commercial matters. This experience was invaluable and directly led me to my Director of Legal role today.

Career wise, would you do anything differently?

Honestly, no. I would not change anything.  I feel very privileged to have gained a wide breadth of experience in four very different common law legal systems. I feel that my work tilted towards public service, and I want to feel it makes a difference.

In one sentence, how would you define success?

It is the ability to achieve the outcome that makes you and others happy.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Set yourself goals and when you achieve them, set new ones. Be hungry for success and never rest on your laurels.

How do you motivate yourself and your staff?

I lead by example and believe in valuing every person and treating them with kindness, respect and dignity. You get the best out of people if they are happy, and I am lucky to work with a committed and motivated group of people who are highly focused on achieving the organisation’s goals. I believe that encouraging a positive team spirit and shared learning motivates my team to perform at a very high level.

How do you handle adversity?

Always reflect and take time to respond with understanding.

How do you relax?

To be with family and true friends. A trip to the cinema always helps me escape and relax especially because my mobile phone is switched off.

What is your favourite (non-business) book?

The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy.

What are your aspirations for the future of the business?

As a statutory authority, I aspire to see greater levels of corporate compliance through the graduated proportionate enforcement programme that the CEA implements.

There are close to 400 specific criminal offences, ranging from minor category 4 (Class A fine) to the most serious category 1 (where a conviction on indictment can result in a term of imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of up to €500,000 or both).  However, it must not be forgotten that the CEA, in exercising the civil enforcement powers conferred on it, can bring various company officers speedily to court in the context of, where a positive action required to be taken by that company, or an officer of the company has not occurred. Seeing these powers exercised proportionately and in a graduated fashion is an ongoing but deeply important goal.

Another aspiration is to deepen the links between international colleagues so as to learn from the experience of others to how they approach similar problems.


John Ring, Operations Director with XtraPension

Dave Thompson, Vice President UK & Ireland for Construction Information / Intelligence Services

Derry Cronin, Group Business Development Director with EHS International