60 Seconds With

“Laughter is the great healer” – 60 seconds with Sinead Bailey Kelly, Co-Founder of H&G Creations

By Business & Finance
25 June 2024

Sinead Bailey Kelly is co-founder of H&G Creations. H&G Creations is an event production agency specialising in experiential event creation, planning, and production. Since its inception in 2014, H&G Creations has emerged as a powerhouse of conceptual artists, event producers, and venue stylists, offering bespoke event production and styling services that leave a lasting impression.

What was your first job?

My first job was babysitting all the kids on my block when I was about 12 years old, then I worked in a newsagents shortly after that until I graduated from high school.

What pushed you to pursue a career in this field?

When I first moved to Ireland I didn’t really know many people so I was out and about a lot with my cousin. I was partying a good bit as it was a great way to meet new people and make friends. At 18, I started a pop-up art gallery/club night called Crafty Beggars with my flatmate at the time, Zoe. Then it went on to become a monthly night in the Twisted Pepper (now Wigwam). I think these parties really made me fall in love with the idea of bringing art to people in unconventional ways. I then met Deirdre Young, my business partner, while running an underground art gallery and party space. We went on to manage three galleries and a bar together. And this is when a love of events and bringing people art and joyful experiences really solidified itself for the two of us.

What would you regard as your greatest achievement to date?

There have been so many great moments over the years. I think creating a giant yellow submarine push float for Indeed for their Pride activation at the Pride parade. The yellow submarine was modelled after the Beatles’ Yellow Submarine album cover. Not only was it beautiful and we had live performances happening on it while it was being pushed across the city (we opted for push float for zero emissions), it gave me goosebumps when I walked alongside it going past the GPO in Dublin. It just felt like the past and present coming together in one beautiful moment reminding me of all of the progress Ireland has and is making as a society. It filled my heart up.

Career wise, would you do anything differently?

I don’t think so, everything that has happened: the good, the bad, and, at times, the ugly. I think it needed to happen to teach all the lessons and learnings and give all the experiences needed to feed into all that is today. It’s also been great learning all the things I have over the years. Now when I go to help anyone else in business I can tell them all the things not to do to help save them time.

In one sentence, how would you define success?

An abundance of time and freedom in how you choose to spend your time. It’s the one resource in life that is truly finite.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

“It doesn’t matter” – I have a natural tendency to worry, I think I come from a long lineage of worriers in fact. And I always remind myself when I feel myself getting wrapped up, or worried about something. I just remind myself of this piece of advice, because looking at the bigger picture and in the grand scheme, whatever I’m worrying about, doesn’t really matter. It helps bring things back into perspective, and eases my mind.

How do you motivate yourself and your staff?

I love what I do and I love my best friend and business partner Deirdre. And that alone is enough to feel motivated every day for me. For the team, I think checking in regularly, working on a mix of things that are practical and also creative and exciting, making sure we’re getting some time in for laughter every day, laughter is the great healer. And making time for inspirational field trips for the team is a nice way to keep everyone inspired and motivated.

How do you handle adversity?

Taking a few deep breaths, approaching things with diplomacy, feeling into my intuition to find the answers, keeping the lines of communication open, working with the team to find solutions, remaining transparent with everyone involved and making light of any tough situation with good humor and laughter.

How do you relax?

I do one nice thing for myself every day to relax that could be anything from reading a book, reading tarot cards, listening to new music, dancing, going to a gig or a club night, meeting friends, taking a bath, watching a movie, snuggling up to my cat or going on a date night with my partner.

What is your favorite (non-business) book?

I’m a bit of a spiritual nerd in my spare time, I would have to say The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein. If you want to improve your mental health, reframe tough situations and just be able to trust more that things are working out for you it’s a great read. I’ve passed it on to many friends over the years.

What are your aspirations for the future of the business?

I would love for the company to start pivoting into building large scale art installations that travel the world. Using our art and experiences to inform the larger community about mental health as well as emotional and physical well being. Working together with our clients towards a more earth conscious approach to events. Expanding our team and creating a welcoming and abundant work environment for them. Prioritising the mental, physical and emotional wellbeing of myself, my business partner and our team so everyone feels taken care of, and can be the very best version of themselves. Being able to take more of an aerial view of the company with my business partner Deirdre so we can focus on the bigger picture for the future of business, and having the resources and people in place to help us do this.

Read more 60 seconds:

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