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Leadership and Championing Change: My Journey as a Leader in Technology in Workhuman

By Business & Finance
09 September 2024
Pictured: Martina Campbell, Product Director, Workhuman

As a leader in technology, Martina Campbell writes, she has experienced firsthand the challenges and triumphs that come with progress.

As a leader in technology, I have experienced firsthand the challenges and triumphs that come with progress. My own journey over the past 17 years has been both challenging and rewarding. Navigating this complex field has instilled in me a deep appreciation for initiatives within companies that support and uplift women in technology as well as the allies, mentors and coaches I have met along the way.

The benefits of having women in leadership positions extend beyond achieving gender equality. Diverse leadership teams bring varied perspectives, leading to more innovative solutions and better decision-making. A report by McKinsey found that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams are 25% more likely to have above-average profitability compared to those in the fourth quartile. However, according to CSO, as of 2019, only 25% of employees in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) roles are women. This statistic underscores the ongoing need for initiatives and support to bridge the gender gap in technology.

The support systems and initiatives at Workhuman have been instrumental in my journey. These programs are not just beneficial for women; they are crucial for the growth and innovation of the entire industry. They have not only provided me with opportunities for growth but have also inspired me to advocate for other women in the industry.

The Importance of Workhuman Initiatives

Workhuman has a commitment to fostering an inclusive environment that promotes gender equality and supports the professional growth of women. These initiatives are designed to address the unique challenges women face in the tech industry and create growth and career progression opportunities.

  1. Women & Allies ERG: I am very fortunate to be a core member of the Women & Allies Employee Resource Group and work with a wonderful group representing many areas of our business. Our overall ERG’s mission is gender equality. We address this by challenging bias, exposing and addressing inequities, driving positive change through transparency and promoting gender neutral policies. Our core group meets once a month and regularly organises panel discussions, networking sessions and learning and development opportunities. The support from our executive sponsors as well as the HX team has been very important to help and support us to be continually successful in all the various initiatives.
  2. Career Development Workshops: WITS Ireland and Workhuman recently partnered on a career development workshop that was attended by both WITS members and members of the Women & Allies ERG. By taking time to reflect and also look forward, has been key in helping both myself and others consider the bigger picture of our careers.
  3. Hybrid Working Arrangements: Another important initiative has been recognizing the importance of work-life balance for everyone. Workhuman flexible hybrid work arrangements have been helpful here in striking up the balance.
  4. Inclusive Hiring Practices: Our recruitment processes are designed to eliminate biases and ensure that diverse candidates are given equal consideration. This includes diverse interview panels and structured interviews to provide a fair assessment of all candidates. As a hiring manager, I always ensure to follow these processes carefully and have seen the benefits across many roles I have helped to hire for.
  5. Membership of WITS Ireland: I was introduced to WITS through Workhuman. Workhuman is a valued member of WITS and has partnered on many initiatives over the years including the Student Career Series, HERStemSkills and many coaching sessions. I was elected to the board in 2021 and then to Vice-Chair in 2023. This has helped me see the wider impact of these initiatives for women across any different STEM organisations.

The initiatives at Workhuman play a vital role in supporting women in their professional journeys and ensuring that they have the resources and opportunities to succeed. As we look to the future, it is imperative that we continue to champion these initiatives and work towards a more inclusive tech industry where everyone, regardless of gender, can thrive. According to Workhuman’s 2021 Human Workplace Index, employees who feel included and valued are significantly more engaged and less likely to leave their organizations. The research highlights that companies with strong DEI initiatives have 22% lower turnover rates. In Ireland, the push for more women in tech leadership roles is gaining momentum. According to Tech Ireland, the percentage of women in tech leadership roles has increased, but there is still much work to be done. Continued support for initiatives that promote women’s leadership in tech is crucial for maintaining this upward trend. For being a  successful leader in technology, it is important to recognise the importance of support programs as well as being coaches, mentors, and allies to all. Being a champion of change will ultimately lead to success for all.