The Digital Factory

The creative content arm of Business & Finance Media Group

The Digital Factory is Business & Finance Media Group’s bespoke B2B content creation and marketing arm. We are a team of journalists, editors, designers, photographers, videographers and content strategists.

The mission of this creative content agency is clear; helping businesses clearly differentiate and position themselves within the highly competitive digital media and business communications environment.

Business & Finance has a proud 53-year history of insightful and in-depth reporting, and partnering with the Irish business community, and is uniquely placed to bridge the gap between corporate storytelling with gravitas and forward-thinking digital innovation.

By bringing a sharp editorial focus to our coverage and our events, we bring together the Irish corporate community. The Digital Factory is perfectly poised to create innovative and meaningful content, adhering to the most rigorous editorial standards, developed with robustly creative approaches and delivered to the highest design standards.

We have exciting strategic digital transformation partners to bring specific complementary expertise to the party, to add to The Digital Factory’s depth and breadth of intelligence about the people and culture of the Irish B2B ecosystem.

For further information on what The Digital Factory can do for your company, email Neil.