Three of the Dublin’s largest taxi firms – Xpert Taxis, National Radio Cabs (NRC) and VIP Taxis – have joined forces in introducing eCab to Ireland.
Now operating in five countries and 12 cities across the globe, eCab is an app that allows users to order, track and pay for their taxis through their mobile phones or smart devices.
All eCab taxi drivers are Garda vetted and undertake induction training through the participating taxi companies.
Lord Mayor of Dublin, Críona Ní Dhálaigh, said: “I welcome any initiative that will enhance public safety. I am also pleased that three of Dublin’s leading taxi firms are setting the standards for the Irish Taxi Market and that eCabs is helping to consolidate the industry, while offering customers greater choice.”
Vinny Kearns, spokesman for the Dublin partnership with eCab, adds: “Anyone familiar with the Dublin taxi industry, will be aware of the massive inconsistency that exists in terms of quality and professionalism. The collaboration between VIP Taxis, Expert Taxis and National Radio Cabs is a step towards greater self-regulation and establishing a benchmark against which all Irish taxis should measure themselves. I’m confident the introduction of eCab will improve the customer experience and, over time, will benefit the taxi industry at a national level. ”
eCab plans to expand its operations across all major Irish cities over the coming months.