FDI of the Month October 2021: Square, Inc. announces plans to create 30 new jobs in Ireland
Guest Feature
Marketers in an Era of Unintended Consequences, by Mark Schaefer, director of Schaefer Marketing Solutions
Business News
BearingPoint RegTech becomes Regnology
Ones to Watch
Ones to Watch – Trustap are facilitating buying and selling online or in person without the risk of being defrauded
“The harder you work, the luckier you become” – CEO Q&A with Brid O’Connell of Guaranteed Irish
60 Seconds With
“Try and have at least one laugh every day!” – 60 seconds with Deirdre Devitt, CEO of Novaerus at McGreals
New and notable appointments at BDO, Open Orphan plc, Grant Thornton Ireland, and Bricknode
Business & Finance Awards