Nichola Beresford, managing director of Anchor Spirits, takes the Business & Finance 60 second challenge.
Q. What was your first job?
My family had a provincial newspaper and print works business so from a very early age I had various jobs.
Everything and anything from cleaning toilets and tea-making to filling boxes with various printed materials for shipping.
Q. What would you regard as your greatest achievement to date?
The mere fact that we’re still in business three years on is quite the miracle considering we didn’t know anything about the drinks industry when we started.
Q. If you could step into the shoes of one business person for the day, who would it be and why?
John Teeling. I love his energy, his insight and the way he thinks.
Q. In three words or less, how do you define success?
I can’t define anything in three words. Real success is being in a permanent position to consistently help others.
Q. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Move forward every day. Neither kicking yourself for the mistakes of yesterday, nor patting yourself on the back if something went well – just a fresh start every morning.
Q. How do you motivate yourself and your staff?
By being honest with them at all times and making sure that all our business goals are a win-win for all of us.
Q. How do you relax?
I paint, read and cook and I spend time with those closest to me; the simple things.
Q. What’s your motto?
Do everything from the point of good and love and you won’t go wrong.
Q. What are your aspirations for the future of your business?
To continue to grow the business here in Waterford, creating Irish products that have a global appeal.
The two brands from Anchor Spirits are Muldoon Irish Whiskey Liqueur and Thin Gin.
Award-winning Muldoon Irish Whiskey Liqueur is made in Ireland using genuine Irish whiskey. One of the only true Irish whiskey liqueurs, Muldoon has a luxurious toffee and hazelnut flavour.
Often described as an ideal after dinner drink, Muldoon can be enjoyed on its own, as part of a cocktail, as a long drink with a mixer, as a warming shot, as a super hot whiskey (no need for sugar – just add water) or even to give a traditional Irish coffee an instant ‘wow’ factor.