60 Seconds With
“I consider myself a ‘forever student’ as I’m continuously learning,” — 60 seconds with Noelle Long of Maxi Zoo
60 Seconds With
“I’m a big believer in the carrot versus the stick approach,” — 60 Seconds with Emma Buckley of GourmetFuel
Executive Insights
Melíosa O’Caoimh, Country Head of Northern Trust Ireland features in Executive Insights, in association with KPMG
60 Seconds With
“Communication and giving my team space to develop I believe are good motivators,” — 60 Seconds With Mark Jenkins of MHR International
60 Seconds With
“I believe you develop professionally with every decision you make” — Barbara Leonard of Primark
60 Seconds With
“Death is not to be feared – is the Coleman family motto” – 60 seconds with Adam Coleman, CEO of HRLocker
Dublin Tech Summit